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  • Writer's picturelayla


Flying cars.

the future you are going to see cars in the air. Sadly this is what technology does to Have you heard on the news that there are going to be flying cars. Well in us. Some people are looking forward to this. I'm not looking forward to this new dramatic change in the world. I feel like there are going o be some problems that will occur, due to flying. Not everyone can fly a plane so how will people be able drive a car something people use more often the planes. There is a car already out Tesla. Its build to fly. Also the doors go up and have a outer space look to it to me. I don't support flying cars at all. People die every day from car crashes,So to add flying is more trickier. Although i feel as if it would take years to get this whole change down pack i think it's still a bad idea.

Robot jobs.

There is a video of a robot in Justin Timberlake's Music video. This scares me a bit. This robot could be our future. How are humans supposed to have a job and pay there dues if a robot is doing all the work? Also this is similar to having cars drive by there self. There is either a system or a machine taking care of you. Are you willing to have a robot take your life in hands? These could be life or death situations.What if you get food poisoning from something you ate at a restaurant and you can sue anyone because it a robot so you'll be clueless. I can't trust robots i believe that we should just stick to our own human services instead of depending on Robots to do the

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